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Artist       :  Micha Yu

Address  :  134 Main St. (#2)

                   Fort Lee, NJ 07024

Tel.          :  (201)921-2027

E. Mail     :


Education:  Ewha Woman's Univ. BS degree, Seoul, Korea

1978 - NYU Language school

1980 - FIT (jewelry, fashion design, trading courses)

1990 - Baruch University ( speech)

2010 - present  The Art Student League of New York



Aug. 2007.  "From Nature To City" - Duo exhibition

Nov. 2007.  "Between Memory & Reality" 4 Artists

Dec. 2007.  "Art & Poetry exhibition" NJ Artists

Mar.  2008.  Group exhibition at Multimedia Center New Jersey

Apr.  2009.  "Four Elements" 4 Artists

Jul.  2010.   "Beauty of Nature" Solo exhibition

Jan. 2011.   "Art & Craft Show - 1&9 Gallery opening Event

Jun. 2014.   KNY Artists Group Exhibition - Riverside Gallery

Dec. 2014.   "Artist of the Night" KNYA Exhibition - Flushing Town Hall

Sep. 2015.   "Mosaic" KNYA Exhibition - Sia New York Gallery


water lily pondIII.22x30in. watercolor on arches   300lbs.JPG
photo 2-1-1.jpg
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